Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Got To Have Your Way? Think Again!

Burger King is known for their famous slogan, Have it your way! Of course, they are promoting their restaurant to be a place where you can get your burgers fixed the way you want them. But outside of a burger, have you ever just had to have your way? No doubt, we would all say “Yes!” I’m sure, if you’re like me, there were many times when you were happy to get your way. Yet, I wonder, did it always turn out well when you got your way?

The nation of Israel wanted to have their way. Their motivation? To be like all the other nations (see 1 Samuel 8:19-20). What did they want? A king! Why did they want a king? Here’s their answer: 
But there shall be a king over us, that we also may be like all the nations, and that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.” (1 Samuel 8:19-20)
As I was reading this story recently to my little girls, Sarah spoke up, “But God was the one who fought for them.” Sarah was correct! In an effort to be like everyone else though, Israel rejected God (1 Samuel 10:19). They overlooked the fact that they already had a King—the perfect King! God was not only their judge, He was a righteous judge. He had also demonstrated time and time again that He would go out before them and fight for them. But no, Israel wanted to have their way and God granted their request. A young man named Saul was anointed king and served Israel for 42 years. If you study Saul’s reign, you will see that he repeatedly failed to lead the people as he was instructed and he dishonored God.

Here’s something I find interesting. Scripture reveals that King Saul was taller than any of the people (1Samuel 9:2). In fact, he was a head taller than anyone else (1 Samuel 10:23). Why is that significant? During Saul’s reign, a champion named Goliath, who was over nine feet tall, came and taunted the people of Israel. He wanted someone from Israel to come out and fight him (1 Samuel 17:4-10). Now, who would be the most likely candidate for such a challenge? King Saul! After all, the people wanted a king who would go out before them and fight their battles. So, why did King Saul not accept the challenge from Goliath? He, along with all Israel, was dismayed and greatly afraid (1 Samuel 17:11). Israel’s fearless leader was full of fear! So much for getting their way.

In an effort to be like all the other nations the people of Israel asked for a king and God gave them one. Israel’s story teaches us many lessons. Let me share three:

1.  Guard your motives. Are your motives selfish or selfless? Are they self-exalting or God-exalting?

2.  Be careful what you ask for. After all, like Israel, you may just get it.

3.  Remember Who your King is and trust Him! Don’t put your trust in man when you can trust in God! We can always trust God to judge righteously, to go out before us, and yes, to fight for us.

So, when you’ve just got to have your way, maybe you should think again!

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