Saturday, June 15, 2013

Show Him Honor!

One of the stabilizing forces in a society is a healthy respect for parents and their authority. Tragically though, respect for parents and their authority seems to be a lost art in our nation. I have heard children telling their parents what they are going to do rather than asking for permission. I have witnessed children talking back to and even walking away from their parents. I have watched children throw a temper tantrum in the middle of a store because they could not have what they wanted. But the blatant disrespect of parents only gets more serious. Just this week, a 13 year old entered the equivalent of a guilty plea in a Ohio juvenile court. His crime? At the age of 10 he fatally shot his mother in the head with a rifle. The reason? An argument over chores (1). One result of this blatant disrespect is that it spreads over into all of society. Children who do not respect their parents will also not respect other adults, such as teachers, law enforcement, etc. It is clear from these and other examples that our society has become quite destabilized. 

Sadly in our politically correct society, there are many who have worked hard over the years to expunge the name of God and anything to do with God (i.e., the Word of God). However, it is in the pages of the Word of God that we find God’s commands. Unfortunately, too many see these commands as restrictive. However, what is seen as restrictive by some in reality is for our protection. God created us therefore He knows what is best for us. Since He knows what is best for us it only reasons that we should obey what He says. One of His commands is found in the book of Exodus. God said, “Honor your father and your mother” (Exodus 20:12). This command was given to His children, the Jewish people. However, it was also a command that was issued to the Church. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Honor your father and mother” (Ephesians 6:2).   

I recall listening to the late Chuck Colson when he was sharing a story about a visit to a local high school. During his visit the principal was telling Chuck that the school was having a problem with students cheating. Exercising great wisdom, Chuck suggested that the school post a sign with these words, “Do not steal.” Of course, Chuck was simply repeating one of the Ten Commandments given by God (see Exodus 20:1-17). Chuck’s premise was that children, or in this particular case, high school students, needed to be taught not to steal. In a similar way, children need to be taught to honor their father and their mother. Children who are taught to honor their parents will then honor other adults in society.

On a side note, I must also mention a command issued to parents. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). Parents must not be domineering, placing unreasonable demands on their children. Parents need to be understanding and fair in both their discipline and expectations. Parents must also carefully teach their children the ways of God found in the pages of the Word of God (see Deuteronomy 6:4-9). I firmly believe that parents who honor God and His Word will not only teach their children with their words but also by the lives they lead. In this way, children learn to honor God and His Word from their parents, and in the process, learn to honor their parents.

On Sunday, June 16, 2013, we celebrate Father’s Day. It’s a great day to honor your father. No doubt some of you reading this post have great dads, while some of you may have not so committed dads. Let me encourage you to love your dad, regardless if he’s the best or the worst! Who knows what impact you can have on his life if you will simply and unconditionally love him and show him honor. By the way, that’s what God did for you. He loved you unconditionally. He loved you just the way you were. He loved you so much that He sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to die for you (see John 3:16; Romans 5:8). So, follow His example and love your dad unconditionally, and in the process, show him and God honor!

I’m so thankful to have had a dad that loved and honored God. He taught me by his life what it meant to love God, honor God, and yes, honor your parents. So, on this Father’s Day I remember my dad, Ed Keatts. Although he has been gone for over 30 years I still remember his teachings and his life. And I’ll never forget him. “The glory of children is their fathers” (Proverbs 17:6). Happy Father’s Day!

1 comment:

Lalanne Barber said...

Excellent, Robert! I'm glad to have known your godly father. You have honored him greatly by your life. Blessings ~