Sunday, February 23, 2014

What’s Weighing You Down?

Recently, following a bad ice storm, I was traveling from Atlanta to North Carolina. As I traveled up the interstate, I noticed a lot of trees had fallen and many pine trees were leaning. The weight of the ice had caused many trees to fall, break, or bend. Highway crews were still clearing the trees, limbs and other debris from the storm.

As I continued traveling north into the Carolinas, I observed the same scene and it got me to thinking. Many times we live like these trees. We’re not weighed down by ice, but we are weighed down by so many other things that come into our lives. It could be a health crisis, or a situation at work. It could be guilt from a past failure. It could be a troubled marriage or a strained relationship with a child. It could be any number of things…you fill in the blank.

Although we can’t do anything about those bent pine trees, we can do something about those things that are weighing us down. The psalmist instructs us, “Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved” (Psalm 55:22). So whatever is weighing you down take it to the Lord and allow Him to sustain you. You can always trust Him to hold you up no matter what’s weighing you down.

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